Resources for doctors
A range of guides to help doctors understand the hearing process, particularly those who intend to represent themselves. They explain the process for each hearing type step by step and options for support and representation.
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These resources are for doctors, lawyers and medical defence organisations. They include the guidance that tribunals use to reach decisions at a hearing. We also have guides to help doctors prepare for a hearing.
A range of guides to help doctors understand the hearing process, particularly those who intend to represent themselves. They explain the process for each hearing type step by step and options for support and representation.
Case management procedure guidance for parties and representatives
How we prepare for hearings and how listings and case management directions are made.
Hearing bundles guidance
Requirements for hearing bundles used in medical practitioners tribunal hearings.
Joinder guidance
Guidance for parties and decision makers on applications for joinder of allegations to be heard at a single hearing.
Receiving witness evidence at MPT hearings
Guidance for parties and decision makers on applications for remote evidence, special measures and oral evidence in chief.
Expert witness protocol
What is expected of expert witnesses, reports and giving oral evidence.
Witness statement guidance and template
Guidance for parties on the form and content of witness statements for use in hearings.
Case manager guidance on the assessment of costs (including annex 1)
What to consider when reaching decision on costs to award.
Postponement and further adjournments guidance
How to make, and how we consider, applications to postpone a hearings.
Deciding how to hold hearings
Guidance on how we decide to hold a hearing virtually or at the MPTS hearing centre.
Holding Medical Practitioners Tribunal hearings at an alternative venue on an exceptional basis
How to make, and how we consider, applications to hold hearings at different venues.
The following guidance documents relate to medical practitioners tribunal hearings.
Medical practitioners tribunal on case management and exercising powers under Rule 16(A)
Guidance for tribunals on powers to exclude evidence, draw and adverse inference or make a costs award.
Listing reconvening hearings: Guidance for decision makers, parties and representatives
Guidance for tribunals on arranging dates for part-heard hearings to reconvene.
Form PH5: Party availability (Form PH5 English) (Form PH5 Welsh)
Form for parties to complete if there is no availability to reconvene within 4 weeks’.
Adjourning to direct an assessment or for further information or reports
When to adjourn, what to consider when directing an assessment, and when to reconvene.
Form M1: Bringing a McKenzie Friend (Form M1 English) (Form M1 Welsh)
Form to complete when bringing a McKenzie Friend to a hearing.
Concerns about a doctor's knowledge of English
Guidance for cases involving concerns about a doctor's knowledge of English.
Chair guidance
Tribunal Chair guidance on their role.
Substitution of tribunal members
How to continue with a hearing where a tribunal member substitution is necessary.
When to accept undertakings as an alternative to imposing a sanction.
Taking interim orders into account
When to consider the time spent by a doctor under an interim order of suspension.
Guidance on redacting Records of determinations (RoDs)
Guidance to assist decision makers interpret the policy around redacting RoDs for publication.
Guidance on drawing adverse inferences
Guidance for tribunals on drawing an adverse inference where a practitioner does not give evidence during a medical practitioners tribunal.
The stage at which a tribunal may consider an application for voluntary erasure
Guidance for tribunals on making decisions about the stage of proceedings that should be reached prior to them considering an application for voluntary erasure.
Non-compliance guidance for tribunals
Guidance for tribunals convened to conduct a non-compliance hearing in accordance with Rules 17ZA and 22A.
The following documents cover interim orders tribunal hearings.
Imposing interim orders - Guidance for the interim orders tribunal, tribunal chair
and medical practitioners tribunal
When to impose an interim order.
Postponement and further adjournments guidance
How to make, and how we consider, applications to postpone hearings.
These documents cover the wording that GMC decision makers and tribunals use when restricting a doctor's registration.
Imposing conditions on a doctor's registration (Conditions bank)
The wording tribunals use when imposing conditions.
Imposing interim conditions on a doctor's registration (Interim conditions bank)
The wording tribunals use when imposing interim conditions.
Agreeing a doctor's undertakings (Undertakings bank)
The wording GMC decision makers use when offering to agree voluntary restrictions.
Non-compliance conditions (Non-compliance conditions bank)
The wording tribunals use when imposing conditions during a non-compliance hearing.
Glossary of terms
Explains the wording used in the documents above.
What should be considered when considering sanctions in medical practitioners tribunals.
Sanctions guidance for medical practitioners tribunal members and the GMC decision makers
Guidance for new hearings starting on or after 5 February 2024.
Starting on 16 November 2020 and before 5 February 2024
Starting on 18 November 2019 and before 16 November 2020
Starting on 6 February 2018 and before 18 November 2019
Starting on 30 May 2017 and before 6 February 2018
Starting on 29 July 2016 and before 30 May 2017
Guidance on representation at hearings
Guidance on who may act as a representative at hearings.
Guidance for interpreters attending a hearing
The role of interpreters when attending a hearing.
Recording of hearings
The use of audio recording equipment in hearings and the production of transcripts.
Reviews on the papers - tribunal guidance
Tribunal guidance when conducting a review on the papers.
Guidance for parties and witnesses in a virtual hearing
This technical guide is for parties and witnesses taking part in a virtual hearing.
Efficiency objective
Guidance for parties on how MPTS hearings are listed.
Guidance on using the slip rule in determinations from MPTS hearings
Procedure document to assist MPTS staff, tribunal members and parties when correcting determinations.
MPTS Publication and Disclosure: Information Sheet
This document sets out what information we publish and/or make available about a hearing once a case has been referred to us.
The following additional GMC guidance is also available to tribunals at hearings.
Appeals by the GMC pursuant to S40A of the Medical Act
When to appeal a medical practitioners tribunal decision.
Allegations about a doctor's involvement in encouraging or assisting suicide
GMC guidance on allegations concerning encouraging or assisting suicide.
Referring a case for a non-compliance hearing
When to refer a case for a non-compliance hearing.
Use of clinical attachments
Guidance for doctors on participating in a clinical attachment and clinical supervisors.
Voluntary erasure
GMC and tribunal guidance on applications for voluntary erasure from the medical register.
GMC and tribunal guidance and template on issuing a warning to a doctor.
Guidance for doctors on restoration following disciplinary erasure
Restoration following disciplinary erasure.