New user focused website launches
On Sunday 18 November we launched our new website, which reflects what you told us you wanted to see.
We’ve worked with doctors, lawyers and members of the press and public to make sure our new website meets a variety of needs.
Feedback we gathered early on highlighted that most users of our website come to get information on hearings and their outcomes, but that it could be difficult to find what you were looking for. So we’ve changed this and hearing information now appears on our homepage.
We’ve also taken this opportunity to better signpost the support we give to witnesses and doctors without legal representation with clearer navigation.
What are the key changes?
Hearings information and decisions on our homepage
This links to a single page for hearing information, making this easier to access and more user friendly.
Clearer information for witnesses
This includes a new video to explain what to expect when giving evidence.
Refreshed guidance for doctors
This includes easier to use step by step guidance, particularly for self-representing doctors.
Responsive design
Visitors from mobile devices have a better experience.
You may also notice that we've refreshed our branding. We have updated our colours slightly to improve accessibility and we have changed our logo to work better in more formats, such as on mobile devices.
We’ve been working to make sure our online services continue to work as normal and any bookmarks or links to our old site should redirect you to the relevant section of the new site.
Tell us what you think
Following the launch, we’ll continue to improve and update content and design. If you have any feedback about the new website please email our webmaster.